Arrival / Dismissal


We urge that your child arrive to school between 7:45 AM – 8:15 AM so his /her school day does not begin too early or too rushed.

  • Students in grades Pre-Kindergarten – 5th grade will enter the building through the student arrival entrance located on 44th Court between the hours of 7:45 AM-8:35 AM. (Security Monitor and several Safety Patrols will be available to guide your children to the cafeteria).
  • Once inside of the cafeteria, students will be supervised by faculty until they are picked up by their homeroom teacher.
  • Students are not to arrive at school prior to 7:45 AM. Inappropriate behavior such as kicking, hitting, play fighting will result in your child’s loss of privilege to wait in these areas prior 8:15 a.m.
  • Students dropped off after the 2nd bell 8:35 AM must enter through the front of the building located on NW 195th Street, where they will receive a tardy pass.
  • If you would like to escort your child to the student entrance located on 44th Avenue or if you have school business, please feel free to park in the far end of our school parking lot located on NW 195th Street and enter through the front of the main building where you will be asked to present an official identification at the Visitors Desk.


  • Pre-K, students are dismissed in front of the building. Teachers will walk them out the front doors.
  • Kindergarten and first grade students who walk home will dismissed from the northeast section of the building. Gate will open promptly at 1:50 PM. School Crossing Guard will be there to assist families cross the street.
  • Pre-K, K, and 1st grade students who ride the bus will be dismissed from the front of the building.
  • Pre-K, K and 1st grade students will not be allowed to walk home unless accompanied by an older sibling.
  • Second – fifth grades students will be dismissed from the northeast section of the building. Gate will open promptly at 3:05pm.
  • School Crossing Guard will be there to assist families cross the street.

Rainy Dismissal / Inclement Weather

It is most important that all children understand the plan for rainy days. These plans must be made in advance at home with your child so that he/she understands exactly what to do in the event of inclement weather. Since we have a limited number of telephones available, it is impossible for us to allow students to call home and make arrangements on rainy days. Please discuss your plan and inform your child what you wish him/her to do if it rains during dismissal. It is highly suggested that you pick up your child during inclement weather.